Fruits and Vegetables For Cancer Patients
Cancer cases are on a rise, globally. But, so is  the advancement of cancer research and  treatment plan. Today, surviving cancer requires a holistic approach involving conventional path along with alternative cure as well as nutritional care.

Experts acknowledge the fact that good nutrition prevents as well as heals cancer.

But, the adversities of cancer disease and treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are so much that patients actually lose out on wholesome nutrition.

A facts one needs to know: Cancer patients on chemotherapy and radiation treatment do suffer some adverse effects. In a survey, it was investigated that out of all cancer patients on chemo or radiation therapy, 40 percent reported significant fatigue, 33 percent complain of being chronically constipated and 31 percent reported having a poor appetite. More than 25 percent were disturbed because of nausea and the 25  percent reported dry mouth.

On the other hand Immunotherapy has no such side effects. Patients getting treated with Immunotherapy have never reported any discomfort due to medications. (Immunotherapy is a potential cancer treatment option as it allows the body’s own immune system to identify and destroy cancer cell).

Eating behavior observed in cancer patients: Most cancer patients have reported to crave for fruit and vegetables and avoid fried, spicy food.

It is also noticed that carbohydrate rich meals of pasta, noodles and potatoes were comfort foods for cancer patient.

Cold drinks and spicy food items are observed to be unappreciated by cancer patients. Primarily due to the burning sensation in their throats, which is a side-effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Metallic after taste, erratic eating habits, nausea due strong cooking odor actually bothers many cancer patients. This actually worsens the nutritional health of the patient.

Nutritionist’s overview: Every cancer patient and survivor need nourishment to heal and strengthen their system. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment report loss of appetite and erratic eating habits amongst patients. This is a major setback for the body that requires nutrition to accept treatment and heal.

Surveys indicate that cancer patients crave and do eat healthy produce, intentionally. This behavior could be sub conscious conditioning that fruits and vegetables heal cancer. It can also be a reactive response by patients  to eat natural, odor free food with simple textures to escape discomfort due to treatment.

What every cancer patient should imbibe? Chemotherapy and radiation therapy damage the taste buds palette and create an imbalance in eating pattern. On the hand, Immunotherapy does not report any such side-effect. Experts from Cancer Healer advise that whatever treatment plan one needs to undertake, healthy eating choices that include fresh, natural seasonal fruits and vegetables with minimum cooking is important. Minimum processing of food and healthy beverages over soft drinks is acceptable by the body of a cancer patient.
8/1/2016 02:00:47 am

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