Special Food for Cancer Patients
Potatoes are always considered a nutritionists foe. But, researchers at Massey University discovered that the urenika variety potato may have cancer-fighting properties.

The root vegetable is being applauded for its super therapeutic powers. The spud is no longer a dud but an awesome dude.

Investigating Matters:
It was investigated that urenika, a purple potato variety (not grown in Indian subcontinent) as well as our humble plain white potatoes may potentially suppress the growth of breast cancer cells ( in laboratory environment).

Phytochemicals (a plant-sourced compound) present in potatoes can at certain concentration levels may be linked with bioactive exerts effective against cancer.

A series of in-vitro experiments were conducted and observed that combining the extracts with breast cancer cells, MCF-7, actually hindered the cancer cell growth.

The research also found out that on combining the phytochemical extracts of potatoes with a well-used breast cancer medication tamoxifen the tumor cell growth was again hindered.

Concluding Research:

This observation claims that potato extracts can be positively used as part of a combined treatment for breast cancer,

Cancer Nutritionists Ideology:

Breast cancer is becoming common, globally. Although treatment options have improved but the financial and physical burden of cancer treatment is painful. It has become necessary to find non-invasive and pain free medium of cancer treatment.

If a modest diet can prevent or treat cancer, what is a better than that.

Nutritionists believe all vegetables have therapeutic properties. If potatoes are believed to have anti-cancer agents, there is no harm in including them in your diet.

But, here are a few points to highlight:

  1. Potatoes are high carbohydrate cereal. So these may be included in your diet as a carbohydrate replacement to wheat/bread or rice in a meal and not an accompaniment.

  2. Cooking medium is very important. Deep frying potatoes/French fries are actually known to acquire acrylamide which is a carcinogen. So, better to eat your potatoes, boiled/baked or sautéed.

  3. Organic, pesticide free and fresh vegetables are potential nature’s medicinal harvest. Otherwise, there are more prone to be laden with reagents that harm than do you good.

Cancer Healer Center Team’s Opinion:

A holistic approach to cancer treatment is essential, today. Along with Immunotherapy if simple measures like exercise, healthy diet and phytochemical as well as natural antioxidants can reverse the damage, one should positively adopt it in lifestyle.

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